Monday 8 July 2013

Have A Genius Brain

Has a genius brain is everybody's dream. Despite the fact that, only a few who have a brain like a genius physicist Albert Einstein and several other scientists. One feature of having a genius brain that can solve complex problems and remember things quickly both the present and memories of past memories. Then, is there any tips to sharpen our brain memory ....????

       Friends, health tips. It has a sharp memory recall is needed by everyone. We may feel upset, when put stuff somewhere and when needed, we forgot to put where. So have a good memory is needed in all conditions and circumstances. This time, health tips will address an article that may be very valuable to the reader. These Tips to sharpen your brain memory:

  • Is in solid wipe your activities, try to perform brain exercises. Brain exercise can be done by providing some of the questions you have to answer yourself. Like, say 10 items in the kitchen, 10 items in the office or school room, or other questions.

  • Like the body, the brain needs nutrients or food for a better memory. What kind of food is good for the brain food nutrition or green vegetables (spinach and other green vegetables) and fish (in this case tuna and salmon).

  • All organs except the brain we do not require water to support in order to optimize performance. In this case, drinking enough water is very useful to sharpen your brain memory. Ideally we should drink 8 glasses of water a day.

  • Keep your brain to rest when it was working all day. Sleep is the most effective way to rest your brain and your mind. So that when you wake up, the brain is more fresh and able to work optimally in helping our everyday aktivias are in desperate need of work in addition to our physical brains. By rest or sleep can sharpen our brain memory.

  • For those of you who do activities that desperately need your brain memory. It's good, no rest your brain for a few minutes. In order for your brain to remember more fresh again in many ways in your occupation.
  • Fill out the hidden words in a crossword puzzle is a very powerful way to train your brain to sharpen memory.

  • Trying to remember the beautiful memories of the past is one of the tips to sharpen your brain memory. As memories with your friends while in school or in college or other memories.
  • Try Exercise your body every morning. Because exercise is good for health and the circulation of blood in the body, including your brain. So it will be able to sharpen your brain memory.

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