Monday 8 July 2013

My friend is a trouble maker

So it has been a while since I (or any one for that matter) has posted, but last night I had a dream worth posting.

So my friend Ryan is kind of a trouble maker but what he did in my dream is kind of unimaginable. He was selling fireworks to kids down by the river and was not being discriminatory about who he was selling to. He decided it would be a good idea to sell fireworks to the stupid chick who was already covered in lighter fluid (or some flammable liquid). The girl set of a firework in her hand and her whole body set on fire. She immediately jumped into the river and died. Ryan was then arrested for selling illegal fireworks and for manslaughter (even though it was the stupid girl's fault). For some reason he couldn't get a real lawyer so I had to represent him. I don't remember for sure but I like to think that I was wearing big fancy lawyer suspenders during the trial. 

The rest of the dream played out similar to any movie you have seen where a newbie lawyer defends some street-punk kid who was unjustly accused of a crime. There was a scene when Ryan was in prison and the prisoners revolted and Ryan saved one of the guards from being killed. This made the judge view my client as a good-hearted individual and eventually the trial went in our favor. Ryan was free but i think he ended up selling more fireworks to children anyway...
I had a dream that I was drinking somewhere and ended up driving home (which was a campground somewhere). I drove up next to a police officer, so I tried to act un-drunk around him. Then I realized I didn't have to act because I was actually sober. The cop said he would walk me back to my cabin since it was night time, and he started leading the way. We had to trek through what appeared to be a pond, but it was actually a swimming pool in the ground with lots of rocks in it. There were goldfish and other things swimming around - very similar to the Japanese gardens at Como Zoo. The water started to get deep, and the cop told me to stay close to him because he had a flashlight. Occasionally he would slam his flashlight down in the water and slap something. I asked what he was doing, and he said, "Scaring off the sharks." At this point, I realized we were actually in a zoo's shark tank and there were many sharks coming to the surface from below. They weren't Jaws-caliber sharks (like 20 feet long or anything), but each was 6-8 feet long, and they seemed angry. They were circling us, and I got really nervous. The cop told me that the sharks could smell my fear, and that we were better off before when I thought it was a goldfish pond. We made it to the other side and got out of the shark tank/pond safely, but I was pretty shaken. A friend came over and gave us a strange look. He said, "Why didn't you just walk around?" I gave the cop a mean look. It was hisidea.

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